Purrs of Point Cook relies entirely on the generosity of the local community!

If you would like to make a donation our bank details are as follows:

Bank: Westpac

Account Name: Purrs of Point Cook Inc.

BSB: 033161    

Account number: 232970

We are a registered charity so all donations of $2 or more are tax deductible! Email us for a receipt!

We rely on our wonderful team of foster carers to provide everything that their foster babies need. So all donations are very gratefully accepted!

If you would like to donate some kitten food (dry or wet), litter, toys, flea and worm treatment we currently have a drop off point at:

Best Friends Pet Supplies - Point Cook Town Centre, Dunnings Road, Point Cook, Vic 3030

We are always looking for volunteers to help with fundraising, adoption days, information stalls and transporting pets. If you would like to help us out please contact us at purrsofpointcook@gmail.com